

Job Vacancy at UN Volunteers / OHCHR - Human Rights Specialist

Minimum age: 25 years old. Nationals of the country of assignment are not eligible, except the assignments in Headquarters duty stations.

Within the delegated authority and under the supervision of OHCHR’s Regional Representative or his/her designated mandated representative(s), the UN Volunteer Human Right Specialist will:

  • Take part in the implementation of human rights projects in Tanzania as per the OHCHR management programme and annual work plans.
  • Through OHCHR and in collaboration with the UN Agencies, support implementation of recommendations from the human rights mechanisms.
  • Support the UNCT in the implementation of a human rights-based approach to development, including in support of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Support the work of Civil Society Organization partners to ensure a human rights-based approach in the planning and implementation of country-based initiatives/projects.
  • Support the UNCT in mainstreaming human rights in the Common Country Assessment (CCA) and the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework.
  • Whenever delegated, participate in the United Nations Programme Management Team (PMT).
  • Support the Commission for Human Rights and Good Governance (CHRGG), including through capacity-building initiatives.
  • Monitor the human rights situation in the country, including along border areas, and the rights of those at risk of being left behind.
  • Provide regular updates to the Resident Coordinator on human rights developments in the country, and to ensure that relevant information is shared with the RC/RCO in a timely manner.
  • Contribute to the organization of seminars, training and lessons learned at country level with stakeholders with a view to supporting the formulation and/or revision of legislation and policies in line with international human rights standards and jurisprudence in the area of human rights.
  • Perform other duties as required and assigned by the Regional Representative

 Master degree or equivalent

  • Advanced higher degree (Master’s or equivalent) in Law, Political Science, International Relations, or other disciplines related to human rights;

 36 Months

  • At least 3 years of professional work experience in human rights, international humanitarian law and legal matters.
  • Experience working with NGOs, INGOs or other international organizations is an added value

  • English(Mandatory), Level – Fluent
  • Swahili(Mandatory), Level – Fluent

 Human rights, Other rule of law or governance related experience

Human rights law and practice, international relations, political science


Adaptability and Flexibility, Commitment and Motivation, Commitment to Continuous Learning, Communication, Integrity, Planning and Organizing, Professionalism, Working in Teams

The deadline for submitting the application is 28 April 2021


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