Government Job Opportunities Mafia District Council


Mafia District established in 1959 and is among the nine  Districts in Coast Region, other districts include Kibaha District, Kibaha Town council,,Chalinze, Rufiji,Kibiti, Kisarawe, Mkuranga and Bagamoyo. Mafia District geographically is an island in the Indian Ocean situated on the Southern of Dar es Salaam Region about 195 km away.


The District is located on the South eastern part of the Coast Region and lies between longitudes 390E - 400 E and latitude 70.38’s.

Other Islands within the District.

The District is comprised by other 7 small Islands namely Jibondo, Chole, Juani, Bwejuu, Mbarakuni, Shungimbili and Nyororo. The last 3 mentioned are temporally habitats of fishermen.


The District has a total area of 972 sq km whereby 407sq km is covered by dry land and 565 sq km is under water.


The District is bordered by Mkuranga district on the North Western Part, Rufiji and Kilwa District on the Southern Western Part, East and South Eastern part by Indian Ocean.


The District has divided into 2 Divisions known as North and South division, 8 Wards, namely Kanga, Kirongwe, Baleni, Kilindoni, Kiegeani, Miburani, Ndagoni and Jibondo. There are 23 registered villages with 136 Hamlets


Basing on the National Census results for the three past reference years the data below shows the trend of population increase as follows:

-1978 – 23101 People

-1988 – 33054 People

-2002 – 40801 People

-2012 - 46,438 People

However according to 2012 census results shows that the Mafia Population was 46,438 people of which 23,484 females, and 22,954 being Males . Total number of Household is 11,913.

 Climatic condition


The Island receives bimodal type of rainfall. The District receives short rains which falls between October up to December and long rains from March up to June every year. The average amount rainfall is about 2000 mm per annum.


We experience high temperatures at least all the months throughout the year with minimal degrees in the months of May to July ranging between 28°C – 32° C.


As a fact of being an Island Mafia experience high humidity throughout the year. Humidity ranges from 60 – 80%.


The Island experience two major wind directions, that is the Southern winds and Northern winds direction. These directions are very important to finishing occupation and sea transport in general.


Almost 60% of the soil found in the Island is of sand soils type which supports the growth of coconuts and cashew nut trees. Loamy soil dominates 30% at the Northern part of the Island which is suitable for food crops establishment. 10% of the soil is composed of developing soils (stony type) which essentially supports the natural forest zone of Mlola forest reservation and Juani Island buffer forest.

Job Opportunities at Mafia District Council 2021.
Mafia District Council has announced new Job Vacancies for Tanzania with qualifications to apply.

MODE OF APPLICATION: Read full job Advertisement in PDF link below:-
Deadline: 14th July, 2021