The World-Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an International
Non-Governmental Organization that deals with conservation of nature
through environmental management and conservation programmes. Its
mission is to stop the degradation of the Planet’s natural environment
and to build the future in which humans live in harmony with nature. WWF
Tanzania Country Office (WWF TCO) through Marine Programme is currently
implementing a project called “Strengthening Marine Protected Areas
Management in Rufiji, Mafia and Kilwa Districts in Tanzania” funded by
Blue Action Fund (BAF) commonly known as RUMAKI-BAF. The project is a
5-year project being implemented by WWF Tanzania Country Office in
partnership with WWF Germany, Wetlands International East Africa,
coastal communities and the Government of the United Republic of
Tanzania through the Vice President’s Office (VPO) and the Ministries of
Livestock and Fisheries and Natural Resources & Tourism.
The project consists of four work packages (WPs), namely; (WP 1)
Improved management effectiveness of Mafia Island Marine Park – MIMP,
(WP 2) Improved management effectiveness of Rufiji Delta Mangrove Forest
Reserve, (WP 3) Strengthening Collaborative Fisheries Management Areas -
CFMAs and (WP 4) Designation of Man and Biosphere (MAB) Reserve in the
Rufiji-Mafia-Kilwa Seascape. The four work packages have been
objectively designed to ensure marine protected areas and associated
buffer zones within the seascape are more effectively managed to
maintain and improve ecological value and livelihoods for nature and
people. This consultancy assignment is a cross cutting initiative with
the following objectives:
The overall objective of the consultancy: To rollout the Environmental
and Social Safeguard Framework (ESSF), more specific the social impact
assessments in critical sites such as Protected Areas (PAs), CFMAs and
Delta mangroves in the RUMAKI Plus Seascape area. Specifically,
undertake the following:
Specific objectives
Carry out ESSF rollout/scooping in order to manage the environmental
and social change or consequences (positive and negative, intended and
unintended) arising from existing policies, plans, community local
practices and projects implementation arrangements;
(iii) Explain
methods used to gather information, including a description of how the
communities of interest were engaged during the development of the
(iv) Use the Stakeholders Analysis (SA) and Stakeholder
Engagement Plan (SEP) to identify stakeholders’ groups and communities
impacted by the projects in the seascape area particularly in PAs – the
Mafia Island Marine Park, CFMAs and Delta Mangrove area
(v) Collect
baseline data covering key environmental and social issues of the
impacted communities such as community history, traditional fishing
communities, culture and key events that have shaped economic and social
development, key investments presently and in the past (if relevant);
pressures or vulnerabilities experienced by these investment sectors.
Identify past and existing social, environmental and political
conflicts and grievances related to resource access, use, control and
management in the seascape area;
(vii) List proposed mitigation
measures and tools including the grievance mechanism tool, Stakeholder
Engagement Plan (SEP), Stakeholder Analysis and existing and new ones
proposed by community members in the project area;
(viii) Provide an
overview of government legislation and policies that complement the
mitigation measures for environmental and social impacts that are
directly related to the projects in the seascape area;
(ix) Identify
potential direct environmental and social impacts and prediction of the
significance of any impacts and duration and extent of each impact;
Describe the monitoring framework that informs stakeholders on the
progress of implementing mitigation measures and overall project
implementations and
(xi) Conduct training to WWF staff and partner
organizations on ESSF protocol and procedures for smooth implementation
of projects in the seascape area and undertake training evaluation
The duration of the consultancy work is three months (90 days, working days spread within the proposed period) including contract signing date. The expected starting date of the assignment is 15th August 2021
Applicant Requirements: A suitable candidate for this assignment should possess the following qualifications:
Degree or PhD in Natural Resource Governance, Social Science,
Environmental Science and other related discipline. The following
additional skills will be considered:
(i) Development of adaptive ESSF screening tools;
(ii) Experience in assessment and management of Environmental and Social Risks;
(iii) Knowledge and skills in Social Accountability of Natural Resource projects and programmes;
(iv) Experience in Human Rights Based Approaches (HRBAs), Gender equality as well as rights holders and duty
bearer’s concepts;
(v) Knowledge on national and related global policies and directives on Environmental Social Framework (ESF)
(vi) Knowledgeable and aware of cultural sensitivity, norms and traditions
(vii) Proven experience in producing high quality report by integrating scientific and social aspects.
(viii) Evidence of similar assignment previously conducted by the consultant(s);
(ix) Ability to align with the core values of the WWF organization policies and standards available at:
o Standards of Environmental and Social Risk Management;
o Standard on disclosures
o Standards on Community Stakeholders Engagement (SEP)
o Standard on Grievance mechanism
o Standard on Restriction of access and resettlement
o Standards on indigenous/traditional communities and
o Standards on protection of Natural Habitats.
Submission of Application Documents: Application from interested Consultant (s) should include:
(i) Letter of expression of interest;
Technical proposal including the design of the process and methodology,
data collection procedure and analysis, and timeline;
(iii) Financial proposal; and
A detailed CV describing a consultant’s preparedness, experience &
expertise in conducting similar consultancy in his/her previous
assignments with 3 referees.
Interested applicants are required to submit their electronic copies of application to the procurement email; procurement@wwftz.org
Please, direct all your applications to:
Procurement Committee,
World Wide Fund for Nature - Tanzania Country Office,
Off Mwai Kibaki Road, Kiko Street Mikocheni,
P.O.Box 63117 Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Email: procurement@wwftz.org
Detailed Terms of Reference is accessible through tanzania.panda.org & https://tanzania.panda.org/news/
• Evaluation of the tenders will be done based on WWF procurement guidelines.
• WWF Tanzania is not bound to accept any lowest or highest proposal submitted.
• All applications should reach us by or before 11 am EAT on Friday, 30th July 2021
• Only successful applicant shall be contacted.