

Job Vacancy at UN Women - International Consultant for Final Evaluation of the UN Women Tanzania Country Office Strategic Note

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

The United Republic of Tanzania is a middle-income country of 59.4 million people (NBS) with women constituting 30.3 million (51.9%) and men 29.1 million (48.9%). The Tanzania Bureau of Statistics in 2020 indicated the country’s annual Gross Domestic Product growth rate was at 4.8 percent and the Per Capita growth at USD 1,157 in 2020. A total 13.9 million people live below the poverty line (HBS, 2017/18). Agriculture remains a major source of livelihood providing an estimated 77 percent of total employment, 26.9 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 65 percent of inputs to the industrial sector. Subsistence farming is a source of livelihood for an estimated 80 percent of women, although only 25 percent own land. The feminization of poverty is a real challenge in Tanzania where more than half of the female population (60%) live in extreme poverty, which can be attributed to limited opportunities for participation in the mainstream economy. Men are more likely than women to be employed in the formal sector, with women more likely to be engaged in employment with lower income and less security. There is, additionally, a wide gender gap in the national mean monthly income (USD $120 for men vs. $71.5 for women).

Tanzania is signatory to numerous international and regional human rights conventions and development frameworks, such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Protocol of the African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa, the African Union Agenda 2063 ‘The Africa We Want’ and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

UN Women’s Tanzania Country Office’s Strategic Note 2017 - 2021 (SN) is a forward-looking programmatic document that translates the UN Women global Strategic Plan 2018-2022 to the country level. The SN outlines the overall strategic direction and plan of action for the UN-Women Tanzania Country office to support efforts to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls, including women’s full enjoyment of their human rights for the years 2017 - 2021. The document also includes a Development Results Framework (DRF) and an Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency Framework (OEEF) with expected results and targets/ indicators/ baselines. The Tanzania Country Office (CO) Strategic Note (SN) was approved by the Deputy Executive Director of UN Women in 2016. The Tanzania SN will be extended to June 2022 to be in line with the new UNDAP III (UNSDCF), the development strategies of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.

As of 2007, Tanzania has been one of eight countries piloting Delivering as One (DaO) initiative of the UN Reform. UN Women as part of the UN System in Tanzania is operating under the UN Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP II) and participating in the development and delivery of joint work plans, joint budgets and common results. UN Women’s program interventions are aligned to the Five Year Development Plan (FYDP) III for Mainland and the Zanzibar Successor Strategy and to United Nations Development Assistance Programme (UNDAP) II and more specifically, with the gender responsive results and targets outlined in the following UNDAP II Thematic Results Outcome Groups: Democratic Governance, Women’s Leadership and Political Participation, Violence against Women and Girls, Inclusive Growth, Resilience, Environment & Climate Change and HIV/AIDS. The Country Programme has adopted three UN Women Flagship Programme Initiatives: Women’s Political Empowerment and Leadership; Prevention and Access to Essential Services to End Violence against Women; and Making Every Women and Girl Count – Supporting the Monitoring and Implementation of the SDGs through Better Production and Use of Gender Statistics. In relation to its normative and coordination role, UN Women continues to promote the accountability of the UN system, supporting the government and mobilizing civil society organizations, private sector and other stakeholders, for the effective and accelerated implementation of the global and regional instruments and commitments to gender equality and the empowerment of women. In the context of the 2030 Agenda of ‘leaving no one behind’, UN Women’s interventions target the most vulnerable groups including rural women, women with albinism, women with disabilities, women pastoralists, and HIV positive women. Through the HeForShe campaign, engaging with men and boys is a cross-cutting issue in all interventions.

1. Purpose

Under UN Women’s policies and procedures in relation to programme management, a final evaluation is mandatory in the final year of the Strategic Note. The final evaluation provides an opportunity to take stock from a perspective of accountability and learning. Most importantly, it will provide recommendations for the development and strategy of the next Country Office’s Strategic Note 2022-2025.

The primary users of this evaluation are:

• UN Women Tanzania CO, UN Women Regional Office, and UN Women HQ.

• Donors and development partners.

2. Objectives

The overall objective of the UN Women Tanzania SN evaluation is to assess the UN Women Tanzania’s strategic positioning and the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, coherence, and sustainability of the CO portfolio with reference to the Strategic Note cycle of 2017-2021. This will also provide a basis for distilling lessons which will be used in developing the next Country SN.

Specific objectives of the final evaluation are as follows:

  1. To examine the SN’s theory of change.
  2. To assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability of UN Women thematic areas, country interventions and programmes, and the integrated mandate.
  3. To assess the level of synergy and multiplying effect between the various thematic areas and the integrated mandate, including leveraging opportunities with country partners.
  4. To assess the effectiveness of CO functions and services including oversight mechanisms.
  5. To assess how and in what areas UN Women Tanzania’s programmatic focus needs to be further improved to make greater impact and to contribute to SDGs in those areas where UN Women has comparative organizational strengths.
  6. Analyze how human rights approach and gender equality principles are integrated in implementation.
  7. To analyze the level of organizational effectiveness and efficiency results including risk mitigation measures, resources stewardship, organizational structure, and results-based management.
  8. To assess quality of partnerships with both implementing and technical partners
  9. To assess and understand unexpected results, both positive and negative, during the SN implementation (2017 – 2021)[1].
  10. Identify and validate lessons learned, good practices, and examples of innovation that support gender equality and women’s empowerment.
  11. To help the CO to be more responsive to new UNSDCF processes, which will inform the new SN for Tanzania.
  12. To provide actionable recommendations to feed into the development of the forthcoming Strategic Note.

The evaluation will follow a transparent and participatory process. To achieve this, the evaluation methodology will involve all relevant UNW staff in the COs as well as partners and stakeholders at the national level. The evaluation will follow gender and human rights principles as defined in the UNW Evaluation Policy and the UNW Evaluation Handbook. It will adhere to UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) Norms and Standards for Evaluation in the UN System. The evaluation will be quality rated based on the UN Women GERAAS evaluation report quality checklist and the UNEG Technical Note on the SWAP Evaluation Performance Indicator.

In line with UNEG Norms and Standards, a management response will be prepared for this evaluation to enhance the use of evaluation findings and follow-up to the evaluation recommendations. The management response will identify who is responsible, what are the action points, and deadlines. The evaluation including the management response will be published on the UN Women GATE website.

3. Scope of the Evaluation

This evaluation will cover the current Strategic Note for the period 2017 – 2022. The Strategic Note includes a Development Results Framework (DRF) and an Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency Framework (OEEF). The OEEF includes performance indicators on coordination and strategic partnership, organizational effectiveness, communications, and financial management that the evaluation is expected to use for assessing organizational performance. The evaluation team is expected to establish the boundaries and specific focus for the evaluation during the inception stage through a participatory consultation process.

4. Evaluation questions

The evaluation will apply five OECD/DAC evaluation criteria [relevance, coherence, effectiveness (including normative, and coordination mandates of UN Women), efficiency, and sustainability] and Human Rights and Gender Equality as additional criteria. The evaluation will seek to answer the following set of preliminary key questions. These will be fine-tuned during the evaluation inception stage:

[1] The Tanzania SN will be extended to June 2022 to be in line with the new UNDAP III (UNSDCF), the development strategies of Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar, etc.

Evaluation Criteria

Evaluation Questions


To what extent is the CO portfolio aligned with national policies and international human rights norms?

To which extent was the programme relevant to the needs of beneficiaries, key partners (especially the government), etc.

To which extent was the SN was adjusted to maintain relevance in an evolving context – in particular Covid-19.


What is UN Women’s comparative advantage in this area of work compared with other UN entities and key partners?

Are the key interventions compatible with other interventions in the country?

Is there any potential duplication of efforts in this area?


To what extent have planned outputs been achieved on time?

Are interventions contributing to the expected outcomes?

What unexpected outcomes (positive and negative) have been achieved?

What are the main enabling and hindering factors behind observed outcomes?

What contribution is UN Women Tanzania making to UN coordination on GEWE?

To what extent has GEWE been mainstreamed in UN joint programming such as UNDAP II?

  • How well is the UNCT performing on gender? What role is the office playing in coordinating and improving the UNCT’s performance on gender equality and women’s empowerment?
  • Is our approach working and what are the challenges? How well is UN Women and the broader UN engaged in national coordination structures?
  • What are the main national platforms and mechanisms (UN and inter-governmental) which CO can activate and support for effective GEWE results?
  • Is CO’s approach working and what are the challenges?


What contribution is UN Women making to implementing global norms and standards for gender equality and women empowerment?

What is the progress/challenges and gaps from the following perspectives?

  • Compliance: How does the CO support Government in implementing international frameworks.
  • Technical support: How does the CO support stakeholders to help government in this process; and
  • Main constituents: How does the CO support national women’s organizations to advocate for normative framework implementation (i.e., demand delivery and accountability).


To what extent does the management structure support efficiency for implementation?

Does the organization have access to the necessary skills, knowledge and capacities needed to deliver the portfolio?

What were the main strengths and weaknesses of the Results Based Management system and to what extent was it used to management programme performance?

Are the interventions achieving synergies and alignment within the UN Women portfolio, UNDAF processes and structures and the work of UN Tanzania Country Team?

Is the balance and coherence between programming, operational, coordination, and policy-normative work optimal?

Has the portfolio been implemented according to human rights and development effectiveness principles:

  1. Participation/empowerment;
  2. Inclusion/non-discrimination;

National accountability/ transparency.


To what extent was capacity developed to ensure sustainability of efforts and benefits?

Is there national/regional ownership and are there champions for different parts of the portfolio?

Human Rights and Gender Equality

Is the choice of partners most relevant to the situation of women and marginalized groups?

Do interventions contribute to target the underlying causes of gender inequality?

Is the portfolio addressing the root causes of gender inequality?

To what extent is the portfolio changing the dynamics of power in relationships between different groups?


What is UN Women’s comparative advantage in this area of work compared with other UN entities and key partners?

Are the key interventions compatible with other interventions in the country?

Is there any potential duplication of efforts in this area?

The evaluation is expected to take a human rights and gender-responsive approach and the preliminary findings obtained from this process will be validated through a stakeholder workshop towards the end of the primary data collection stage.

5. Evaluation methodology

The evaluation will use mixed methods and is particularly encouraged to use participatory methods to ensure that all stakeholders are consulted as part of the evaluation process. At a minimum, this should include participatory tools for consultation with different groups and a plan for inclusion of vulnerable and/or marginalized women and individuals. The evaluator will describe the type of monitoring data available (Is there baseline/midline/endline data? Is the data disaggregated. The evaluation team should take measures to ensure data quality, reliability, and validity of data collection tools and methods and their responsiveness to gender equality and human rights.

The evaluator is expected to undertake a rapid evaluability assessment in the inception stage. This should include the following:

  1. An assessment of the relevance, appropriateness, and coherence of the implicit or explicit theory of change.
  2. An assessment of the quality of performance indicators in the DRF and OEEF, and the accessibility and adequacy of relevant documents and secondary data;
  3. A review of the conduciveness of the context for the evaluation;
  4. Ensuring familiarity with accountability and management structures for the evaluation.
  5. Identify potential limitations (including in terms of data availability/quality as well as logistical limitations).

The evaluation will use a theory-based design and assess performance and results based on the theory of change stated in the Strategic Note. The evaluation will undertake a desk-based portfolio analysis that includes a synthesis of secondary results data for the Development Results Framework and the Organizational Effectiveness and Efficiency Framework of the Tanzania Country Office.

The portfolio analysis will include:

  • Desk review of documentary evidence using a wide range of data sources (including documents, institutional information systems, progress, and financial records etc);
  • The evaluation will identify expected and unexpected changes in target groups. It is anticipated that the evaluation will apply process tracing to identify the mechanisms of change and the probable contributions of UN Women.
  • The evaluation will sample and examine programmes/projects and interventions that the Country Office has implemented during the Strategic Note. In doing so the evaluator should clearly identify the limitations of the sample (representativeness) and triangulate the data to help ensure robust results.

6. Stakeholder participation

The evaluator will detail how the evaluation ensures the participation of stakeholders during all evaluation stages, distinguishing between rights holders and duty bearers. Stakeholders may include:

1. Programme partners

2. National government institutions (Ministries, Departments, Agencies-MDAs).

3. UN Women TCO staff and other UN agency staff

4. Civil society representatives, including UN Women’s Civil Society Advisory Group (CSAG) and Tanzania chapter for the African Women Leaders Network (AWLN)

5. Private sector and trade unions representatives

6. Political leaders and representatives

7. Donors and development partners

8. Academia.

9. Others

The evaluator is expected to validate findings through engagement with stakeholders in workshops, debriefings, or through other forms of engagement.

7. Deliverables

In UN Women the evaluation phases are:

  • Stage 1: Planning
  • Stage 2: Preparation: This includes the stakeholder analysis and establishment of the reference group, evaluation management group, development of the ToR, and recruitment of the evaluator.
  • Stage 3: Conduct: Inception workshop, data collection and analysis.
  • Stage 4: Reporting: Presentation of preliminary findings, draft, and final reports.
  • Stage 5: Use and follow up: Management response, dissemination of the report, and follow up of management response implementation.

This ToR covers stages 3 and 4 only for which the evaluator will be responsible while UN Women is responsible for phases 1, 2 and 5.

The following products are expected from the evaluation:


Days Allocated


Time frame


Conduct Desk review





Drafting and presentation of evaluation inception report, data collection tools and instruments


Draft & final inception report

Two weeks after signing of the contract

Evaluator (EMG and ERG feedback)

Field work incl. presentation and validation of evaluation findings to stakeholders


Preliminary findings presentation (Held workshop with stakeholders)

Two weeks after the inception report has been cleared/approved.

Evaluator (EMG and ERG feedback)

Prepare draft evaluation report


Draft & final evaluation report

Draft- One week after presentation of preliminary findings

Evaluator EMG and ERG feedback

Final- One week after receiving feedback on the draft.

.The evaluation Report will follow below outline:

1. Evaluation object and context.

2. Evaluation purpose, objectives, and scope.

3. Evaluation methodology.

4. Findings.

5. Conclusions and lessons learned.

6. Recommendations.

7. Annexes.

The draft and final evaluation report will be shared with the Evaluation Reference Group (ERG), and the Evaluation Management Group (EMG) for quality review. The final evaluation report will be independently assessed using quality standards outlined in the UNW Global Evaluation Reports Assessment and Analysis System (GERAAS). The final evaluation report and evaluation management responses will be publicly disclosed in the UNW GATE system. The final report will be approved by the EMG.

8. Management of the evaluation

The evaluation will be a consultative, inclusive, and participatory process and will ensure the participation of stakeholders and partners.

The process will be managed by an Evaluation Manager/UN Women Tanzania CO PMER Specialist. The Evaluation Manager is responsible for the day-to-day management of the evaluation and ensures that the evaluation is conducted in accordance with UN Women Evaluation Quality Standards, UNEG Ethical Guidelines and other key relevant guidance documents.

An Evaluation Management Group (EMG) comprising of UN Women senior managers will be established to oversee and support the evaluation process, make key decisions and quality assure the different deliverables. The EMG will quality assure and approve all deliverables. EMG will be responsible for coordination in the field including logistical support during field missions, if applicable.

The establishment of an Evaluation Reference Group (ERG) will facilitate the participation of key stakeholders in the evaluation process and ensure that the evaluation approach is robust and relevant to staff and stakeholders. Furthermore, it will allow identifying factual errors or errors of omission or interpretation in evaluation products. The ERG will provide input and relevant information at key stages of the evaluation: Terms of Reference, inception report, draft and final reports and dissemination of the results.

9. Payment Schedule

25% on delivery of final inception report,

35% on delivery of presentation of findings and draft evaluation report and,

40% on delivery and approval of final evaluation report and remaining deliverables.


Advanced degree preferably in Economics or International Development studies, Law or gender and development, social services. Preferably a PhD holder.


At least ten years of planning, programming, evaluations and/or evaluation experience, seven years of which in planning/evaluations in development programs related to human rights, gender, and results-based management.

Knowledge and experience with the national development, policy, and legislative frameworks.

Extensive experience with UN programming the UNSDCF.

Knowledge of issues concerning women’s human rights and gender equality.

Tech-savvy with capability to organize and host virtual meetings and effective usage of MS Word and Excel.

Experience in working on gender issues in East Africa required with experience in Tanzania preferred.

Proven experience in guiding and documenting reviews and evaluations.

Language Requirements:

Excellent command of English at native speaker level (written and oral) is required, knowledge of Kiswahili is desirable.

Ethical Code of Conduct:

UN Women has developed a UN Women Evaluation Consultants Agreement Form for evaluators that must be signed as part of the contracting process, which is based on the UNEG Ethical Guidelines and Code of Conduct. These documents will be annexed to the contract. The UNEG guidelines note the importance of ethical conduct for the following reasons:

1. Responsible use of power: All those engaged in evaluation processes are responsible for upholding the proper conduct of the evaluation.

2. Ensuring credibility: With a fair, impartial, and complete assessment, stake- holders are more likely to have faith in the results of an evaluation and to take note of the recommendations.

3. Responsible use of resources: Ethical conduct in evaluation increases the chances of acceptance by the parties to the evaluation and therefore the likelihood that the investment in the evaluation will result in improved outcomes.

The evaluator is expected to provide a detailed plan on how ethical principles will be ensured throughout the evaluation process.


No documents, research, raw data collection or analyses (or parts thereof) will be shared outside the UN Women Office and all documents provided to the consultant will be treated as confidential unless otherwise indicated.

Submission of Applications:

Cover letter outlining suitability for the job, providing initial observations on the Terms of Reference, and an outline of the methodology he/she would use; a financial offer for completion of the required tasks; a UN Women Personal History form (P-11) which can be downloaded at http://www.unwomen.org/about-us/employment.

Please note that applications without the completed and signed UN Women P-11 form will be treated as incomplete and will not be considered for further assessment.

UN WOMEN is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.
