

24 Job Vacancies at SOS Children’s Villages - Various Posts in Various Regions

SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania is a local non-government organization affiliated to SOS Children’s Villages International, a worldwide child care and protection or­ganization that provides orphaned and destitute children with a permanent home and educational opportunities. Established 60 years ago, SOS Children’s Villages International the umbrella organization, currently has Children’s Villages and other projects in 135 countries around the world.
SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania is a local non-government organization affiliated to SOS Children’s Villages International, a worldwide child care and protection or­ganization that provides orphaned and destitute children with a permanent home and educational opportunities. Established 60 years ago, SOS Children’s Villages International the umbrella organization, currently has Children’s Villages and other projects in 135 countries around the world. Globally, it runs the SOS Children’s Vil­lage Programme which has two main arms, i.e. Family Based Care based at SOS Children’s Villages and Family Strengthening Programmes supporting families in local communities. SOS has been working in the United Republic of Tanzania since 1991, and implements its programs in the following locations Zanzibar, Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Mwanza and Iringa. SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania seeks to recruit suitably qualified candidates to fill the following vacant positions;

Job Title: Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (1 Post)

Duty station: Arusha

Reporting to: Program Manager


Senior M& E Officer is responsible for the overall SOS Children’s Villages Moni­toring & Evaluation strategy, policy, and practice in close co-operation with Moni­toring & Evaluation Coordinator at the National Office, Senior M&E Officer will be responsible to develop and improve monitoring, evaluation, impact assessment, and learning methodologies. The Senior M&E officer’s function will contribute to improvement of programme quality and promote programme innovation through capacity building, technical advice, and knowledge sharing, and identifying new programme areas.He/She is also responsible for bringing together programme learning, research-based evidence, and information, effective impact monitoring to feed into organizational learning


  • Support all M &E initiatives for assigned grant(s) including monitoring data quality, tracking the progress of results, and contributing to staff capacity building initiatives as necessary.
  • Promote Result Based Management (RBM) to M&E, emphasizing results and impact, including, timely reporting and analytical processes for each program component and for each level of objective hierarchy.
  • Lead, prepare and support the programme team in producing consolidated quarterly and annual progress reports in accordance with approved dead­lines and reporting
  • Undertake and facilitate the implementation of the M&E plan, regularly revis­ing and updating performance questions, indicators, methods, and formats.
  • Support development and implementation of RBM action plan in each RMB cycle.
  • Assist in making sure that Program Data Base (PDB) remain alive by sup­porting the program staff in the processes of entering valid, relevant and reliable data in PDB, reviewing the quality of existing project data, strength­en data collection methods, and the degree to which the existing data will provide good baseline information.
  • Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed.
  • Designing SOS Children’s Villages Arusha monitoring and evaluation tools. Analysing the data from the field and assisting the Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator in writing the M&E reports
  • Support program staff on ways to properly document, organize and capture
  • Program progress including best practices, lesson learnt, challenges and other observations.
  • Build capacities and knowledge of program staff on Monitoring & Evalua­tion, development of frameworks to integrate M&E in Project cycle, impact assessment and Learning and knowledge management.
  • Coordinate and ensure the quality of baseline, mid-term, and end-term sur­veys for all projects at SOS Children’s Villages Arusha programme.
  • Ensure adherence to SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania principles of Result based management and integrate Child Rights Monitoring and Evaluation principles and practices into the strategies and its implementation.
  • Reviewing existing M&E and management information systems of SOS Chil­dren’s Villages Arusha and identifying where support is needed.
  • Monitor development and implementation of program activities included in the annual work plan, focusing on results, impacts, documenting success stories and lesson learning.
  • Actively seek to understand problems and unexpected positive/negative impacts, discussing these with primary stakeholders at location level/ Pro­gram Manager and the senior management.
  • Develop a plan for program-related capacity-building on M&E and for any computer-based system support that may be required and carry out capaci­ty building of relevant staff especially in areas of M&E systems, and conduct quality circles checks in order to identify possible areas for improvement.
  • Ensure that staff are receiving adequate support to be able to implement their M&E functions including strengthening their capacity
  • Collaborate with other M&E colleagues and other staff both at Arusha pro­gram location and other location to ensure strong team works that deliver desired results.
  • Participate in Annual planning and budgeting process both at location and National level.
  • Identify problems with the M&E system and modify the system as neces­sary.
  • Create a knowledge management strategy and framework.


  • Bachelor degree in either Social Sciences, Information Sciences, Project Management, Research, Statistics or related field .
  • Demonstrable experience using various quantitative and qualitative meth­odologies for data analysis, including analyses using statistical tools such as Ms. Excel, Google Sheets, SPSS, or STAT and NVIVO
  • Proven experience in performance measurement, including indicator se­lection, target setting, and developing M&E and/performance monitoring plans.
  • Solid experience of at least four years in M & E with a Non-Governmental Organization;
  • Experience in Strategic Planning with good background of reporting writing shared to donors, sponsors and other key stakeholders.
  • Strong communication skills (Fluent in written and spoken in English and Swahili)
  • High degree of flexibility and ability to adopt to changes
  • Ability to use digital tools such as ODK and Kobo toll box in data collection and processing.

Job Title: Program Officer, Family Economic Empowerment & Youth ( 2 Posts)

Duty station: Arusha

Reporting to: Family Economic Empowerment & Youth Coordinator


The Family Economic Empowerment and Youth Officer is responsible for guiding and supporting the work with individual families participating in the program, for whom s/he has been allocated responsibility. This involves directly assessing the family situation of potential child participants and facilitating the development of a family’s first family development plan (FDP). Beyond the holder works closely with co-workers of the community-based partners (key implementation partners), to real­ize the program’s commitments towards the development of the family vis-a-vis the family’s own contributions, and to support the community-based partner in its role as the ‘first line’ of contact and support for the family.


  • Lead the initial assessment of families of potential child participants
  • Facilitate the preparation of a family’s first family development plan (FDP)
  • Support co-workers of the community-based partner(s) in their work with families
  • Support the effective delivery of support services by the program
  • Support monitoring & evaluation within the program
  • Planning, implementation, monitoring and reporting of the project activities
  • Mobilization and management of the resources
  • Support community-based partners to develop a clear plan for capacity development and provide relevant support towards realization of that plan. Build strong partnerships with other stakeholders, for the provision of sup­port services to the target group, with a view to ‘anchoring’ support services with the most appropriate service provider. This includes building positive relationships with recognized community leadership and local
  • Support the development of strong local networks of relevant stakeholders, to provide for comprehensive ‘safety nets’ of relevant support services, as well as alliances for the promotion and protection of child rights.


  • Bachelor Degree in Community Development, Community Economic Devel­opment, Sociology and Social Work
  • Minimum of 4 years relevant work experience in the field of Community De­velopment or Social Services.
  • Knowledge of Project Cycle management
  • Awareness and basic understanding of issues affecting orphans & vulner­able children, such as the causes of vulnerability (e.g. HIV & AIDS, gender
  • discrimination, poverty, etc.), local and national responses, etc.
  • Understanding of child development issues, including knowledge of child rights, child protection, child welfare, childcare and parenting; and relevant local and national laws, regulations and protocols.
  • Understanding of family development and community development

Job Title: Counselor (1 Post)

Duty station: Dar es Salaam

Reporting to: Alternative Care Coordinator


The Counselor is responsible to provide professional support for children, youth, and caregivers by designing, implementing, evaluating and enhancing a compre­hensive counseling program that promotes and enhances children and youths suc­cess. To help all children and youth develop skills in the areas of personal/social growth, educational planning, and career and vocational development. Responsible for providing services to children, staff, parents, and the community on issues per­taining holistic development. Support to coordinates all counseling services for chil­dren, youth and caregivers, and to assists in the coordination and implementation of services in the alternative care program.


  • Develops program location counseling, mental health and psychosocial services and develops activities and resources tailored to individual child, youth, or caregiver’s identified needs.
  • Provides individual and group counseling and psychosocial support to meet the social emotional, and health child and adolescence developmental, pre­ventive, and remedial
  • Foster appropriate adult/child relationships; maintain appropriate boundar­ies and facilitate recreational activities, group meetings, and any additional counseling, mental health or psychosocial program activities, both on and off the compound, including
  • Support the developmental needs of children focusing on the uniqueness of children in areas of academic, career and personal/social through counsel­ing, guidance, psychosocial support, consultation and
  • Developing and providing developmental guidance programs for all children in the areas of self-awareness, interpersonal skills, education awareness, and career awareness.
  • Conduct psychological/psychosocial assessment of children and youth to determine their needs, and develop individual intervention plan or safety plan during admission, service provision and reintegration
  • Collaborate with other staff to strengthen integration of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH), Psychosocial Support (PSS), and Mental Health services into Family-Like Care (FLC) programming.
  • Contribute to the development and design of mental health educational ma­terial, programs, and presentations as required.
  • Acting as a facilitator of the parent-child relationship by providing short-term advising/counseling services and by conducting conferences for the pur­pose of interpreting academic data and behavioral
  • Serving a liaison function between parents other professionals in and out of the program and the community by facilitating appropriate referrals.
  • Assist parents, and care givers in SOS Children’s Villages programs to have a realistic perception of their children’s attitudes, aptitude, interests etc and means of managing it.
  • Supports the Sponsorship Coordinator on getting all necessary correspon­dences from Mothers, Aunts, Child and Youth Development Officers, and any other staff for sponsors’
  • Creates result reports that demonstrate immediate, intermediate, and long- range effectiveness of comprehensive counseling, mental health and psy­chosocial support
  • Contribute to the preparation of annual program work-plan, budgets, perfor­mance reports, and quarterly reports.
  • Prepares and submits for approval long and short-term plans for counseling, mental health and psychosocial
  • Maintains proper documentation of Counseling, Mental Health and Psycho­social Services to individual children, parents and SOS Children’s Villages caregivers. These include interview notes, psychometric and other assess­ment reports, communication regarding the client, risk assessments and safety plans, signed consent forms and any authorities to release informa­tion; update case management information system inline with SOS Children’s Villages and the National Case Management Standards.
  • The counselor analyzes outcome data to guide future action and improve future results for all
  • Follows-up, evaluates and recommends measures to be taken in order to improve counseling, Mental Health and Psychosocial Services to children in alternative
  • At all times ensures that personal data of donors, sponsors, SOS Children’s Villages’ beneficiaries and their families as well as SOS co-workers is han­dled confidentially and in accordance with prevailing SOS-Kinderdorf Inter­national data protection


  • Bachelor Degree in Counseling Psychology, or Guidance and Counseling from recognized Universities.
  • At least three (3) years of relevant professional experience.
  • Ability to work independently, self-organize, use initiative, keeps commit­ments and meets deadlines.
  • The candidate should possess the emotional stability to lead and guide the large community of children and youth, by maintaining the required high
  • Mature personality (male or female), stable socially and emotion- ally.
  • Strong interpersonal and team skills.
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Fluent in English and Swahili.
  • Computer literacy

Job Title: Youth Empowerment Officer ( 3 Posts)

Duty station: Arusha ,Mwanza and Zanzibar

Reporting to: Alternative Care Coordinator


Youth Empowerment Officer is responsible for strengthening the capacity of youth by developing young people’s life skills, employability, entrepreneurship, digital skills and promoting engagement and active citizenship.To build capacity in the community to support the development of quality youth work and enhance the qual­ity and scope of youth provision in community settings, so that young people can be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make positive contributions and achieve economic wellbeing.Encourages independent entrepreneurship by inspiring young people to set up their own businesses, also work with relevant stakeholders to cre­ate fair and proper jobs through working with the private sector to educate and coach young people in skills that meet the demands of the local labour market and ensures youths contribute meaningfully into the organization and community at large.


  • Support to conduct needs assessments, awareness raising and information activities with the support of Program Manager.
  • Support the ongoing implementation of engaging young people in digital
  • Build a strong relationship with young people and the wider community, identifying the local needs and support the development of
  • Support outreach and engagement with the private sector on youth empow­erment and skills building, specifically skills for
  • Participate in the creation of awareness raising campaigns on the impor­tance of child rights, child labour, education, youth employment policies, protection policies, social cohesion and other related topics.
  • Support to skilled youths to enter the workforce through internships and/or employment and/or business mentorship activities (referrals, tailored proj­ects, peer-to-peer activities).
  • Assist with the planning and organization of tailored awareness raising ses­sions, focused group discussions, youth led initiatives and special event in identified areas.
  • Work with community provisions to support the development and delivery of information / guidance and activities, which aim to meet the needs and aspirations of the young people within the community.
  • Provide information, advice and guidance to the community/ stakeholders in developing youth provision, ensuring the groups understand their purpose, responsibilities and best practice, and the role of the councils in supporting
  • Provide outreach youth work as required to engage with young people deemed to be causing anti-social
  • Support the Youth Empowerment Coordinator in delivering the community’s youth network forum to enable practitioners working with young people to share best practice and identify skills and training needs.
  • Promote and support innovative and creative ways to generate income in­cluding (but not exclusively) fundraising initiatives and external funding via grants and sponsorship to ensure the ongoing sustainability of the youth clubs and community projects.
  • Provide casework support for young people to engage with support servic­es, education, employment and community opportunities.
  • Support and initiate strategies to prevent and address the problem of sub­stance misuse and other anti-social behaviour among youth.
  • Provide ongoing support, advocacy and monitoring of services and pro­grams for
  • Maintain and establish partnerships and networks with services and pro­grams (e.g. local school, clinic, police, mental health services, and other ser­vices) and work together to address the needs of young people


  • Bachelor Degree in Community Development / Community Economic Devel­opment and Sociology.
  • At least 2- 3 years previous experience in child/youth quality care / relevant NGO’s experience.
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; ability to work inclusively and collaboratively with a range of partners, including, and authorities at different levels, NGOs, youth
  • Work experience in education, social work or community development is de­sired
  • Work experience with adolescents’ is desired
  • Good knowledge of national child care legislation and child’s rights
  • Demonstrates a high level of empathy/emotional intelligence particularly working with young people and adolescents
  • Understanding and knowledge of subjects relating specifically to the care of adolescents (e.g. sexual health, HIV/Aids, relationships)

Job Title: Social Worker (2 Posts)

Duty station: Dar es Salaam and Mwanza

Reporting to: Alternative Care Coordinator


Social Worker is responsible to work on social, psychological, and emotional devel­opment of the children in Alternative Care and to follow-up the health, and educa­tion matters of the children. Assist the Alternative Care Coordinator in the efficient co-ordination of the social work activities/tasks; and ensure that the Family Like Care is up to standard in all its activities, adheres to the internal Gatekeeping guide­lines and national child welfare and protection policies.


  • Ensures compliance and high quality of procedures for Family Like Care pro­gram in accordance with the country’s legal
  • Ensures assessment of all children under our care, develop individual devel­opment plans/care plans, and put in place immediate, medium and long-term strategies for raising and supporting
  • Perform document review for completeness, accuracy, and clarity of docu­ments submitted by District Social Welfare Officer
  • Attend, prepare, compile, and presents individual child/youth reports to the gatekeeping committee for reviews and decisions towards
  • Takes an active interest in and at least annually reviews the child and youth development plans to assure the developmental and education needs are met within the unit or within other programme
  • Ensure assessment, tracing and preparation children, young people, and their biological families for successful reunification/ reintegration.
  • Promote strong collaboration, effective communication, and team work among Mothers/Aunts and Child and Youth Empowerment Officer for effec­tive delivery of
  • Spends quality time with Mothers/Aunts in order to encourage their long­term commitment to the children and youth and ensure quality services de­livered to the SOS Children and young
  • Supports the Sponsorship Coordinator on getting all necessary correspon­dences from Mothers, Aunts, Child and Youth Development Officers, and any other staff for sponsors’
  • Participate effectively in the Welfare Committees meetings and prepare re­ports accordingly
  • Collaborates with different external offices on matters of common concern for the provision of better services for the children, attends workshops and meetings as assigned by the Alternative Care Coordinator.
  • Make regular visits to all SOS house and schools taking notes of the prog­ress while highlighting concerns brought up in liaison with the respective school teachers and SOS caregivers
  • Ensures that children receive medical attention/ first-aid services if they are ill, injured and need medical treatment, refers serious cases to clinics and follows-up referral cases to
  • Strengthen integration of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health (ASRH), Psychosocial Support (PSS), and Mental Health services into Family Like Care (FLC)
  • Be a source of counsel to the children and youth’s academic and career choices.
  • Supports the youth through their various transition processes or/and the re­integration processes.
  • Makes time to interact with children and youth on a regular basis, to get to know and understand them as individuals.
  • Develops creative ways for the successful socio professional integration of young people based on the local
  • Upholds the Alternative Care monitoring and evaluation system to ensure consistent quality of services are provided to the children/youth as per stan­dard by the responsible
  • Contribute to the preparation of annual project work-plan, budgets, perfor­mance reports, and quarterly reports.
  • Prepares and submits for approval long and short-term plans for social ser­vices.
  • Maintains proper documentation of case management information system in line with SOS Children’s Villages and National Case Management Standards.
  • At all times ensures that personal data of donors, sponsors, SOS Children’s Villages’ beneficiaries and their families as well as SOS co-workers is han­dled confidentially and in accordance with prevailing SOS-Kinderdorf Inter­national data protection laws.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Work.
  • At least three (3) years of relevant professional experience.
  • Experience in practicing case management, or in working with children/ youth environment will be added
  • Ability to work independently, self-organize, use initiative, keeps commit­ments and meets deadlines.
  • The candidate should possess the emotional stability to lead and guide the large community of children and youth, by maintaining the required high standards.
  • Mature personality (male or female), stable socially and emotion-
  • Strong interpersonal and team
  • Fluent in English and Swahili.
  • Computer literacy

Job Title: Re-integration Officer ( 4 Posts)

Duty station: Arusha, Dar es Salaam, Mwanza and Zanzibar

Reporting to: Alternative Care Coordinator


The Reintegration Officer is responsible for planning, developing and implement­ing reintegration of children and youths, and appropriate community mobilization in professional and timely manner.


  • Ensures that processes for the reintegration of children and youths are in line with national and organizational policies, legislation, and standards, and that commitments to the donor, communities, and other programme partners are met in a professional and timely manner.
  • Conduct family tracing, assess the safety and suitability of returning children and youths from the care of SOS Children’s Villages to their biological par- ents/relatives, and build an effective reunification/reintegration plan for indi­vidual children and youths.
  • Mobilize authorities, community-based organizations, and community mem­bers to gain their support and/or participation in project implementation by creating awareness among all stakeholders about the project’s goal, objec­tives, and progress.
  • Prepare children, youth, and their biological parents/relatives for effective reunification/reintegration and escort the children and youths during reunifi­
  • Making appropriate linkages for successful reintegration of children, youths and their biological children by addressing their needs in the following do­mains: placement issues, safety issues, education, health, mental health, legal proceedings, independent living, child enrichment activities, skills de­velopment, economic empowerment, and other necessary social support.
  • Conduct post reunification regular monitoring to ensure effective reintegration of children and youths and recommend measures to be taken in order to improve the reintegration.
  • Maintains case management information system documentation in accor­dance with SOS Children’s Villages and the National Case Management
  • Provide effective communication, and team work among staff and care giv­ers, at SOS Children Villages for effective delivery of services to children and youth.
  • Supports the Sponsorship Coordinator on getting all necessary correspon­dences for sponsors’
  • Contribute to the preparation of annual project work-plan, budgets, perfor­mance reports, and quarterly reports, and assist the Program Manager and Alternative Care Coordinator in budget tracking and analysis as necessary.
  • At all times ensures that personal data of donors, sponsors, SOS Children’s Villages’ beneficiaries and their families as well as SOS co-workers is han­dled confidentially and in accordance with prevailing SOS-Kinderdorf Inter­national data protection policy.


  • Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, Sociology, or other related social
  • At least three (3) years of relevant experience in reunification/reintegration of children with their families of origin.
  • Ability to work independently, self-organize, use initiative, keeps commit­ments and meets deadlines.
  • Ability to travel up to 50% of the time
  • The candidate should possess the emotional stability to lead and guide the large community of children and youth, and to work in diverse communities by maintaining the required high standards.
  • Mature personality (male or female), stable socially and emotionally.
  • Strong interpersonal and team
  • Fluent in English and Swahili.
  • Computer literacy

Job Title: Program Officer, Alternative Care and Child Protection ( 2 Posts)

Duty station: Arusha

Reporting to: Alternative Care and Child Protection Coordinator


The Alternative Care and Child Protection Officer will be responsible for supporting in designing and implementing foster care programmes, training programmes for foster parents and ensure quality care services delivery to children of target group meet quality standards of SOS Children’s Villages and government regulations.


  • Ensure that every child in care receives the highest quality of services and the best interests and well-being of every child is taken into consideration during admission, while participating in the alternative care programme and at the time of re-unification.
  • Ensure all files are updated for periodic audits
  • Provide support in monitoring, reporting and evaluating the budgets and provide budgetary recommendations when
  • Support in designing training manual and guides on different options of alter­native care implemented by SOS Children’s Village Program
  • Support the Alternative Care and Child Protection Coordinator to ensure regular supervision visit to foster parents are conducted on regular basis and recommendation from audits, monitoring reports, and investigations are
  • Support the Alternative Care Coordinator to identify and meet training needs of Core Care Co-workers.
  • Participate in the preparation of the Strategic Plan and Annual Plan to ensure the strategic plan and annual plans are aligned with government policies and strategies on alternative care and Most Vulnerable children.
  • Support to establishes and maintains a collaborative relationship with the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development
  • Plan and implement community sensitization programmes on foster care par­enting, protection of children in alternative care arrangements
  • Support the Alternative Care and Protection Coordinator to orient and train local government leaders, community leaders and faith based organization leaders in SOS Children’s Villages Programme locations on alternative care for children in
  • Recognize that child protection is everyone business, having the obligation to protect the children as per Code of Conduct and Child Protection Policy.
  • Conducts herself in a way that safeguards children and youth from all forms of discrimination, abuse, mistreatment and Strongly support our val­ues and our vision that “every child grows in a family, with love respect and security”, and She will promote children’s development.
  • Prepare and submit monthly progress report and other reports as per direc­tives received from the direct supervisor.


  • He/she must have Bachelor Degree in Social Work, Child Development, So­ciology and any other related discipline.
  • 4 years related experience working with NGOs
  • Awareness and understanding of relevant social development issues, such as HIV/AIDS, Gender, Child rights issues, family strenghthening and good awareness on the situation of OVC at national & regional

Job Title: Monitoring and Evaluation Officer (1Post)

Duty station: Arusha

Reporting to: Senior Monitoring and Evaluation Officer


Monitoring and Evaluation officer is responsible for the overall SOS Children’s Vil­lages Monitoring & Evaluation strategy, policy, and practice in close co-operation with Program Manager and Senior Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator, the M&E Officer will be responsible to develop and improve monitoring, evaluation, impact assessment, and learning methodologies in the location. The M&E function will contribute to improvement of program quality and promote program innovation through capacity building, technical advice, and knowledge sharing, and identify­ing new program areas. The post holder is also responsible for bringing together program learning, research-based evidence, and information, effective impact monitoring to feed into organizational learning.


  • Support all M &E initiatives for assigned grant(s)/project(s) including moni­toring data quality, tracking the progress of results, and contributing to staff capacity building initiatives as necessary.
  • Assist in making sure that Result Based Management (RBM) remains alive in the location by undertaking and facilitating M&E plan for SOS Children’s Vil­lages Tanzania and its partners, regular revising and updating performance questions, indicators, methods, reporting on time and analytical processes for each project component and for each level of objective hierarchy.
  • Assist in making sure that Program Data Base (PDB) remain alive by sup­porting the program staff in the processes of entering valid, relevant and reliable data in PDB, reviewing the quality of existing project data, strength­en data collection methods, and the degree to which the existing data will provide good baseline information.
  • Undertake regular visits to the field to support implementation of M&E and to identify where adaptations might be needed.
  • Designing SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania and its partners monitoring and evaluation tools. Analyzing the data from the field and assisting the Monitor­ing & Evaluation Coordinator in writing the M&E reports
  • Support project/program staff on ways to properly document, organize and capture Program progress.Build capacities and knowledge of program staff on Monitoring & Evaluation, development of frameworks to integrate M&E in Program/Project cycle, impact assessment and Learning and knowledge management.
  • Support and participate in program and project evaluations and writing evaluation report with recommendations for decision making
  • Ensure adherence to SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania principles of Family Based Care and Family Strengthening approach & integrate Child Rights Monitoring and Evaluation principles and practices into the strategies and its implementation.
  • Reviewing existing M&E and management information systems of SOS Chil­dren’s Villages Tanzania and identifying where support is needed.
  • Insure the documentation and presentation of lesson learnt and best prac­tices to the program people, management, partners and stakeholders and put mechanisms to insure they are accommodated in our daily implementa­tion SOS Tanzania program.
  • Actively seek to understand problems and unexpected positive/negative impacts, discussing these with primary stakeholders at location level/ Facil­ity Heads and senior management.
  • Develop a plan for program-related capacity-building on M&E and for any computer-based system support that may be required and carry out capaci­ty building of relevant staff especially in areas of M&E systems, and conduct quality circles checks in order to identify possible areas for improvement


  • Degree in Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation or related
  • At least 3 years of working experience in monitoring and evaluation of rel­evant fields,
  • Ability to develop data collection tools and manage program data base in accuracy, relevance and validity manners,
  • Well informed and experienced on donor funded projects with abundant skills in result based reporting and ; good basic knowledge of donor compli­ance
  • Fluency in English and swahili is required.
  • Proficiency in current office software of data analysis applications
  • Results-oriented, self-discipline and team spirit, and happy, able and expe­rienced to work for and with young people
  • Ability to drive motor cycle to ensure execution of activities, field visit and regular follow-ups of project activities.

Job Title: Program Officer, Alternative Care and Child Protection ( 2 Posts)

Duty station: Arusha

Reporting to: Alternative Care and Child Protection Coordinator


The Alternative Care and Child Protection Officer will be responsible for supporting in designing and implementing foster care programmes, training programmes for foster parents and ensure quality care services delivery to children of target group meet quality standards of SOS Children’s Villages and government regulations.


  • Ensure that every child in care receives the highest quality of services and the best interests and well-being of every child is taken into consideration during admission, while participating in the alternative care programme and at the time of re-unification.
  • Ensure all files are updated for periodic audits
  • Provide support in monitoring, reporting and evaluating the budgets and provide budgetary recommendations when
  • Support in designing training manual and guides on different options of alter­native care implemented by SOS Children’s Village Program
  • Support the Alternative Care and Child Protection Coordinator to ensure regular supervision visit to foster parents are conducted on regular basis and recommendation from audits, monitoring reports, and investigations are
  • Support the Alternative Care Coordinator to identify and meet training needs of Core Care Co-workers.
  • Participate in the preparation of the Strategic Plan and Annual Plan to ensure the strategic plan and annual plans are aligned with government policies and strategies on alternative care and Most Vulnerable children.
  • Support to establishes and maintains a collaborative relationship with the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development
  • Plan and implement community sensitization programmes on foster care par­enting, protection of children in alternative care arrangements
  • Support the Alternative Care and Protection Coordinator to orient and train local government leaders, community leaders and faith based organization leaders in SOS Children’s Villages Programme locations on alternative care for children in
  • Recognize that child protection is everyone business, having the obligation to protect the children as per Code of Conduct and Child Protection Policy.
  • Conducts herself in a way that safeguards children and youth from all forms of discrimination, abuse, mistreatment and Strongly support our val­ues and our vision that “every child grows in a family, with love respect and security”, and She will promote children’s development.
  • Prepare and submit monthly progress report and other reports as per direc­tives received from the direct supervisor.


  • He/she must have Bachelor Degree in Social Work, Child Development, So­ciology and any other related discipline.
  • 4 years related experience working with NGOs
  • Awareness and understanding of relevant social development issues, such as HIV/AIDS, Gender, Child rights issues, family strengthening and good awareness on the situation of OVC at national & regional

Job Title: Assistant Accountant ( 4 Posts)

Duty station: Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Arusha and Zanzibar

Reporting to: Program Accountant


The Assistant Accountant is responsible for assisting the Program Accountant in coordinating and supervising SOS Children’s Villages Programs financial matters


  • Provides financial matters, ensuring that all Projects operate per Financial Policies and Procedures of National Association and SOS Children’s Villag­es International in line with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles.
  • Supports the Program Accountant in preparation of monthly financial re­
  • Ensures that all payments are genuine, are appropriately supported and ac­counted for; and all receipts are properly documented and timely banked.
  • In consultation with the Program Accountant, the Facility/program heads are supported in preparing and developing their annual
  • In collaboration with the Program Accountant, periodically prepares the income and expense variance analysis and helps to report and suggest adjustments or budget re-allocation where necessary.
  • Assist the Program Accountant in preparing monthly running cost transfer requests in line with the approved budget.
  • Participate in carrying out an internal audit for all the Programs / Facilities as per the Internal Audit checklist and the requirements of the National
  • Regularly reviews all supporting documents for payments such as Purchase Request Form, Local Purchase Orders, Invoices, bills, payment vouchers e.t.c. to see if the expenses are appropriate and within the budget limits and the accuracy of the bills and invoices before payment is prepared.
  • Regularly checks the Bank and Cash Registers and the Bank Statements of SOS Children’s Village Mwanza accounts to ensure that all payments and withdrawals are authentic. Immediately reports any irregularity noted for necessary action.
  • Prepares Cash and Bank Registers as per the approved payment vouchers daily, ensuring they are correctly coded, and all supporting documents are available.
  • Operates petty cash, prepares petty cash vouchers, observes maximum and minimum float amounts, timely requests for
  • Ensures room inventories are prepared for all offices/buildings and are rec­onciled with the fixed asset and Navision asset listings.
  • Assist Program Accountant in ensuring that all measures to strengthen internal control as recommended by auditors in various audit reports are implemented and adhered to by all Program units.
  • Administers food and household and clothing allowances for the village according to the approved rates.
  • Ensures all salary advances, soft loans, travel advances, and business im­prests are recovered in time, all overdue amounts to be communicated with the National Office for the subsequent payroll
  • Prepares Bank reconciliation statements and cash registers for Children’s Village, Programs,
  • Prepare payment vouchers with relevant accounting codes and numbers and with adequate supporting documents, and that entries made in the reg­isters tally with the payment
  • Assist Program Accountant in posting all program transactions to account­ing software (Microsoft Dynamics NAV) daily.
  • Assist the Program Accountant in preparation of income and expense vari­ance analysis
  • Assist Project Accountant in ensuring all salary advances, soft loans, travel advances, and business imprests are recovered in time, all overdue amounts to be communicated with the National Office for the subsequent payroll
  • Regularly review the bills (telephone, electricity bills, maintenance claims etc.) for payment and submit to the Program Accountant for checking and authenticity before vouchers are prepared and payment


  • Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting/ MBA or a related field
  • Final/ Intermediate stage for NBAA examination will be an added advan­tage
  • Plus three (3) years in a relevant field (preferably with an NGO).
  • Prior experience in accounting, budgeting, financial controlling, internal au­dit, accounting
  • Office/Excel/Word
  • Analytical skills
  • High degree of Integrity

Job Title: Assistant Procurement and Logistics Officer (1 Post)

Duty station: Zanzibar

Reporting to: Program Director


Assistant Procurement and Logistics Officer will be responsible to play a key role in procuring high-quality and cost-efficient supplies for the organization by following procurement procedures, maintain an updated list of current and incoming inven­tory and be responsible for approving purchases at Zanzibar CV. Responsible for performing confidential administrative, clerical duties relating to organizing and coordinating procurement activities, review and distribution of information


  • Assist in identifying potential suppliers, visiting existing suppliers, building and maintaining good relationships with
  • Assist the Procurement and Logistics Officer to develop an organization’s purchasing strategy
  • Estimate and establish cost parameters and budgets for purchases
  • Prepare purchase orders and send copies to suppliers and to departments originating
  • Maintain and update a list of suppliers and their qualifications, delivery times, and potential future development
  • Giving presentations about market analysis and possible growth;
  • Support the Procurement and Logistics Officer to review and analyse all vendors/suppliers, supply, and price options and make professional deci­sions in a fast-paced environment
  • Determine if inventory quantities are sufficient for needs, ordering more materials when necessary.
  • Respond to customer and supplier inquiries about status, changes or can­cellations.
  • Prepare, maintain and review purchasing files, reports and price list.
  • Track status of requisitions, contracts and orders.
  • Calculate costs of orders and charges or forward invoices to appropriate accounts
  • Monitor contract performance, recommending contract modifications when necessary.
  • Finding new vendors with quality products and low costs.
  • Coordinate with the request and make sure the right materials needed
  • Able to uphold and respect procurement ethics and to conduct activities with integrity
  • Monitor in house inventory movement and complete inventory transfer forms for bookkeeping
  • Carry out other duties that may from time to time be assigned to you by the Program Director and Procurement and Logistics Officer.
  • Keep sound and adequate logistics records in connection with the bar codes.
  • Ensure service and repairs of office equipment
  • Keep accurate in terms of data and record management and insist good negotiation skills to fetch the best charges for the
  • Develop and execute tools and methodologies to enable effective imple­mentation of logistic
  • Design and develop standard operating methods to manage logistics op­erations efficiently
  • Coordinate logistics activities related to procurement, funding, substantive units and humanitarian affairs.
  • Develop and execute logistics support policy, processes and methodolo­gies to the general benefit of all mission


  • Bachelor’s degree in Procurement and Office supplies, Material Manage­ment, Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
  • 3 to 4 years of progressively responsible experience in procurement and logistics.
  • Knowledge on Logistics and Transport Management
  • Be able to use effectively computerized integrated Financial Management and Human Resource System
  • Knowledge of organizational procurement procedures is highly desirable
  • Supply Chain Management skills
  • Analytical Skills
  • Decision-making and Negotiating Skills

Job Title: Youth Empowerment Coordinator (1 Post)

Duty station: National Office, Dar es Salaam

Reporting to: Head of Programs


Youth Empowerment Coordinator is responsible for the quality implementation and coordination of youth programmes initiatives within the National Association in Tan­zania. Ensure analysis of the target group situation, including global and national youth care and development as well as youth employability trends and SOS-internal trends regarding the youth population. Identifying and networking with key stake­holders to improve the situation of young people in and leaving care, and young people in vulnerable families.


  • Defining and developing SOS youth care options, based on the findings of past and current assessments, and taking a results-based management ap­proach, involving young
  • Ensuring regular individual youth development and career planning takes place in programmes, including leaving care planning
  • Promoting autonomy and independence as the ultimate goal in plans, pro­grammes and activities
  • Ensuring that young people in SOS programmes have access to trainings (provided by SOS or partners) for all relevant areas of youth development, according to their needs
  • Ensuring that support mechanisms are in place for young people who are leaving or have left care
  • Leads the planning and formulation of active and productive programmes for youth development, supports the drawing up of annual plans, facilitates regular (quarterly and annual) reviews of such plans and programmes
  • Monitors implementation through project visits, holding regular meetings and involving individual members in specific areas of assignment, in order to maintain the needed dynamism.
  • Facilitates feedback to questions, requests and proposals from the SOS projects on matters of youth, also taking key responsibility for any related liaison with external
  • Leading the development of a dynamic career guidance and development package built on a clear understanding of youth skills, abilities, prospects and aspirations of both school-going and post school youth, and supports its implementation in conjunction with Youth Empowerment
  • Supporting the Youth Empowerment Officers in implementing planned train­ings and Utilizing both internal and external resource to facili­tate this process.
  • Actively supports the search and placement for educational and training opportunities for post secondary school youth in conjunction with Youth Empwerment Officers and Education department, ensuring that the youth participate in choosing their areas of study, and the choice both develop­ment-oriented and cost effective.
  • Supporting application processes for foreign universities and tertiary institu­tions, in liaison with the children’s village education committee, ensuring that such process is progressive and professional in conjunction with the Educa­tion department.
  • Keeping the National Director informed and maintaining a good level of knowledge about each youth living and studying abroad, to ensure consis­tency and supporting them in their struggles to attain their
  • Supporting the sourcing and circulation of up-to-date information on a wide range of opportunities for advanced education, as well as vocational training and apprenticeships for youth in conjunction with the Education department.
  • Ensuring that young people can participate in decisions and choices that di­rectly impact their (personal) journey to self-reliance throughout programmes and that young people are involved in programme
  • design, recruitment of youth workers, and advocacy activities, amongst oth­ers
  • Promoting the establishment of networks of young people including those who already left SOS care
  • Developing and implementing programmes and activities that foster partici­pation, e.g. youth-led networks and initiatives
  • Preparing the setup of youth employability programmes, including employ- ability and life skills training, internships, mentorship programmes


  • Bachelor / Masters Degree in Community Development / Community Eco­nomic Development and Sociology.
  • At least 3- 5 years previous experience in child/youth quality care
  • Work experience in education, social work or community development is de­sired
  • Work experience with adolescents’ is desired
  • Good knowledge of national child care legislation and child’s rights
  • Demonstrates a high level of empathy/emotional intelligence particularly working with young people and adolescents
  • Understanding and knowledge of subjects relating specifically to the care of adolescents (e.g. sexual health, HIV/Aids, relationships)

Job Title: Senior Family Strengthening Coordinator (1 Post)

Duty station: National Office, Dar es Salaam

Reporting to: Head of Programs


The Senior Family Strengthening Coordinator drives programme development in the field of Family and Community Development in line with the “Vision, Mis­sion, Values”, strategies, policies and plans of the organisation and government legislation. He periodically reviews government policies, legislation and strategies on FS and ensure that FS programs adhere to them. As a member of the national programme development department, she/he contributes to setting and reaching the strategic objectives and targets of the MA in the area of Family Strengthening, monitors and evaluates progress towards achieving set targets. She/he provides technical expertise and content-wise support to location Family Strengthening Co­ordinators in planning, implementing and monitoring of programme interventions in the area of Family Strengthening. The Senior Family Strengthening Coordinator (SFSC) is responsible for introducing and monitoring the implementation of quality standards in the area of Family Strenghthening.


  • Leads the development of National FSP Strategy and Plans in cooperation with the FSP co-workers and other stakeholders.
  • Contributes to FSP policy and guideline development, translation, revision, familiarization and follow-up of proper implementation in specific areas of work where he/she is accountable.
  • Actively contributes to putting the SOS Children’s Villages Programme Policy and related policies into practice taking into consideration national legisla­tion and context.
  • Develops detailed program concepts for new types of interventions in the country jointly with programme staff in the locations and submits the same for review by the Head of Program.
  • Supports Head of Program /IPDC/program managers in the location in ap­plying for different sources of funds on family strengthening and community development programs including supporting detailed needs assessments, ensuring full stakeholder participation, developing drafts of programme pro­posals and budgets and identifying new partner organisations.
  • Provides content wise guidance to Location FS Program Coordinators in the locations in planning, budgeting, and reporting of programme interventions.
  • Leads specific programme development projects as assigned by the Head of Program.
  • Regularly reports on developments in the specific programme area to the Head of Program
  • Initiate and facilitate improvements on approaches and strategies for SOS intervention on family strengthening and community development programs.
  • S/he provides FSP-related advice, guidance and support to the Head of Pro­gram
  • Jointly with Head of Program put in place good monitoring and evaluation systems, on the basis of the international systems requirements, to track and assess the quality of services.
  • Supports the Head of Program and Location FS Coordinators in implement­ing quality standards.
  • Monitors and evaluates the quality and progress of programme/project inter­ventions through supportive supervision, internal program audits, and review of and feedback to project reports, statistics, and self-evaluation results to ensure that interventions are in line with organisational plans, standards, and policies, and with national legislation.
  • Plan and conduct joint monitoring with Monitoring and Evaluation team sec­tion and provide technical support on monitoring and evaluation in areas of work where he/she is responsible.
  • Provides regular progress reports to the Head of Program and the Regional/ Continental Advisor
  • Coordinates an annual review of FSP plans and programmes,
  • Support external impact evaluations as required.
  • Support the implementation of simple and effective financial and administra­tive procedures, in accordance with defined policies.
  • Guides and supports FSP co-workers in the planning process.
  • Ensures proper utilization of organizational resources
  • Identifies opportunities for national partnership building, and supports the development of formal partnership agreements with like minded groups, or­ganizations and/or institutions operating nationally, as well as complemen­tary service providers.
  • Represents the organization at relevant external forums to advocate on be­half of the organization for the promotion of children’s rights, especially on issues linked to our target group and based on the work in our programmes.
  • Joins relevant networks, forums, platforms, campaigns, working groups and advocates on behalf of the organisation for the promotion and protection of children’s rights, especially on issues linked to children at risk of losing the care of their families or children without parental care.
  • Documents and distributes lessons learned and good practices to support organisational learning on national and location level
  • Participates on behalf of the MA in the regional network and contributes to regional Programme projects in FS.
  • Participates on behalf of the MA in international/national studies and re­search projects.
  • Cooperate with Monitoring & Evaluation team in research and analysis in FS
  • On behalf of the MA, participates in National Network Meetings and Forums in FS
  • Reviews donor program strategies on a continuous basis and FS program content and strategies to make them more attractive to donors without los­ing organizational values and program basics.
  • Reviews up-to-date knowledge and research findings from International Journals and update FS programs
  • Follow-up and proper documentation of government policies, strategies and legal documents linked with family and community development program.
  • Organizes and properly maintains program update, database and informa­tion related to FS program.


  • Masters degree in social sciences, development studies, community devel­opment and community livelihood studies.
  • Minimum 4 years working experience in implementing of social programmes out of which 3 years as Coordinator or senior level positions
  • Experiences in working with the target group, i.e. vulnerable children, fami­lies and community.
  • Good command of English, written and spoken
  • Experience in project management, planning, monitoring and evaluation
  • Good knowledge and understanding of children’s rights and rights-based approaches in the development of programmes
  • Awareness and understanding of social development issues including gen­der, education, health, HIV/AIDS, etc.

How to apply:

Interested candidates for any of the above positions should submit their applica­tion letter by email describing how your experience, qualifications and competen­cies make you the right candidate for this position. Enclose ONLY detailed and updated CV with telephone contacts, email address and details of at least 3 referees.The candidate MUST clearly indicate the title of position applied for. Only con­tacted candidates for the interview will submit copies of academic, professional certificates and passport size photo.  Closing date is 25th November, 2021. To apply please send to;

The National Director SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania.
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Please Note: SOS Children’s Villages Tanzania is an equal opportunity employer and committed to keeping children safe from abuse and harm, therefore candi­dates applying for this post will be subject to child safeguarding recruitment pro­cedures and checks.

Only short listed candidates will be contacted

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