Job Opening

Posting Title: UNEP Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) - Chief Technical Advisor in Tanzania
Department/Office: United Nations Environment Programme
Duty Station: GENEVA
Posting Period: 31 May 2021 - 11 June 2021
Job Opening Number: 21-United Nations Environment Programme-156451-Consultant
Staffing Exercise N/A

United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity

Result of Service

- Scheduled project activities completed successfully;
- Project component implementation well-coordinated at national, and district/ward levels;
- Project objectives successfully met
- UNEP/GEF norms for monitoring and evaluation of project performance, output delivery and impact applied;
- Project implementation well-coordinated with other relevant projects in the country;
- Quality control of outputs from nationally contracted consultants and national project staff ensured.

Work Location :Working Remotely

Expected duration: The duration of the contract would be for 12 Months. 

Duties and Responsibilities

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) is the strategic partnership between the United Nations and over 400 banks, insurers and investors. For over 28 years UNEP FI has been shaping and driving the international sustainable finance agenda, setting global standards and growing a global network of leading financial institutions. Through its work-streams and regional activities, peer learning, methodology development, training and research, UNEP FI promotes sustainable finance and helps the financial industry align with and contribute to the Paris Agreement and Sustainable Development Goals.

The project “Supporting the implementation of integrated ecosystems management approach for landscape restoration and biodiversity conservation in Tanzania” is funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), with a total duration of 5 years. The Executing Agency for the project is the Vice-President’s Office (VPO) of the United Republic of Tanzania. The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the Implementing Agency for the project, and as such, accountable to the GEF for the effective and efficient use of funds.

The overall objective of the project is to strengthen integrated natural resources management and restoration of degraded landscapes for building resilient socio-ecological systems in Tanzania. This project is one of the 11 Child projects of GEF-funded The Restoration Initiative (TRI) global program fostering innovation and integration in support of the Bonn Challenge program that targets 10 countries in Africa and Asia.

UNEP would like to recruit an international part-time (70%) Chief Technical Advisor to provide technical guidance and support to the implementation of the project. This consultancy position will be located in UNEP / Economy Division and reports to the respective Program Officer in the Economy Division, in close collaboration with the VPO Project Manager (PM) and the UNEP GEF Task Manager (TM), located in the Ecosystems Division. The CTA will liaise with the other TRI projects and the global child to ensure lessons from other countries can be considered in Tanzania.

Under the direction and supervision of the Economy Division Programme Officer at UNEP, the consultant will be required to undertake the following specific tasks;

• Provide scientific, technical and overall backstopping for the project;
• Advice on best suitable approaches and methodologies for the timely achievement of project targets and objectives;
• Support agreed on project management procedures to facilitate project implementation and ensure delivery of high-quality outcomes;
• Provide technical inputs to the Project Director when requested, and assist the Project Manager and national partners to prepare work plans and annual updates including budget allocations;
• Facilitate in adjusting the project results framework and in monitoring the technical quality of project M&E systems (including AWPs, indicators and targets);
• Coordinate the preparation of the annual Project Implementation Reviews (PIRs);
• Guide staff and consultants in the conduct of project reviews and evaluations, management response, and revisions of the implementation strategy and work plan, based on review and evaluation results;
• Make recommendations to the Project Steering Committee (PSC) for more effective implementation and coordination of project activities;
• Guide the project team in administrative and financial reporting;
• Draft or review, as requested, ToRs for technical consultancies and sub-contracts, and assist in the selection and recruitment process; Assist District Project Management Teams and the District Project Coordination Committees (DPCC) for project implementation in project sites and sharing lessons learnt among the sites, at national and global levels;
• Facilitate communications and linkages at regional and national levels, as well as with UNEP;
• Collaborate with the PM in the management of the project budget in accordance with the agreed work plan and approved disbursal of project funds, considering the decisions of the PSC;
• Undertake technical review and provide quality assurance of project outputs (e.g. technical reports, studies and assessments) and field activities;
• Provide guidance and technical inputs to the work carried out by national and international consultants and/or companies;
• Where requested, advise the PM in liaison work with the project donors and secure additional finances, including availing of opportunities for private sector co-financing, for the approved work plan as necessary;
• Coordinate and contribute to the preparation and publication of national scientific and technical outputs from the Project;
• Coordinate the national scientific and technical team;
• Perform other tasks as may be requested by the PM, the PSC, and the UNEP TM.

Outputs and Deliverables:

• Annual work plan including budget prepared and submitted to PSC and PMU for approval on a timely basis;
• Quarterly and annual technical and financial reports prepared and submitted to PSC and Project Director completely and timely;
• Revised project results framework and quality of project M&E system ensured;
• Annual Progress Implementation Review (PIR) reports;
• ToRs for consultants and sub-contracts, as required;
• Report on the annual Site Implementation Team meetings at the national level.

The CTA will work directly with the Project Manager in Tanzania’s VPO to implement the project and reports to the respective TRI Program Officer in the Economy Division

Qualifications/special skills

Academic Qualifications: Advanced university degree (Master’s or above) in rural development, forest management, biodiversity conservation, agriculture, climate change adaptation, or environmental management/studies is required.

Experience: Minimum of ten years of experience in administration/management of international projects preferably as team leader/project coordinator is required.

-Proven experience in project management and administrative management is required;
-Proven ability to manage budgets is required;
-Experience with GEF policies and procedures and strong skills in related project planning and monitoring tools, including log frame, theory of change and similar is required;
-Proven project management experience in East and South Africa region with UN organizations is required;
-Willingness and ability to travel frequently to Tanzania is required;
-Proven experience working with senior government officials, research institutes, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and local communities, etc.;
-Demonstrated experience working in an international and/or multi-cultural environment is required

Language: Fluency in written and spoken English with strong communication skills. Knowledge of Kiswahili is an advantage.

No Fee





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