Domain registration & Hosting:
  • Domain names Registration (*.info , *.me , *.net, *.com, *.org , .xyz and more)
  • Web hosting ( PHP, MySQL, CMS Hosting)

Domain Name Registration:
This involves registering A Domain Name. Securing an Internet Domain Name is a cost-effective and critical first step in establishing an online presence for your business.

Web Hosting:
Once designed, your site needs a good home. Bobland Provides Peace of mind hosting with Servers based in the USA, Customers receive an immediate and personal technical support.

Email Hosting:

Email hosting is a service that runs email servers and provides email service for individuals and businesses. It allows users to send and receive emails using their custom domain based email accounts. The email hosting service provides secure access to your saved data, and further provides anti-spam and anti-virus filters.

E-mail services : We provide Personalized email addresses at your convenience, e.g

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