Job Opening
Posting Title:     Consultant - Socio-economic Assessments on Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments in Selected Coastal Communities in Tanzania
Department/Office:     United Nations Environment Programme
Duty Station:     NAIROBI
Posting Period:     24 June 2021 - 07 July 2021
Job Opening Number:     21-United Nations Environment Programme-156520-Consultant

Staffing Exercise     N/A

United Nations Core Values: Integrity, Professionalism, Respect for Diversity

Result of Service

1. Proposed revisions to the social aspects of the CCVA toolkit,
2. Piloted test of the CCVA toolkit with detailed methodology for managers/policy makers,
3. A database of existing expertise on climate change and adaptation at national level
4. Information awareness products (e.g., graphics, brochures, video) on adaptation, mitigation, and technological options available for the target communities
5. Working with the Focal Point of the Convention, ensure that management and policy options for adaptation, mitigation, and technological options available for possible adoption into national level processes
6. A manuscript for publication in a peer reviewed journal

Work Location: Home-based (Tanzanian Nationals)

Expected duration

The contract will be for a 3 months duration from commencement of the contract.
Duties and Responsibilities

Organizational Setting

The Secretariat for the Nairobi Convention for the Protection, Management and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the Western Indian Ocean region, within the Ecosystems Division of UNEP is implementing projects entitled; ‘Implementation of the Strategic Action Programme for the protection of the Western Indian Ocean from land-based sources and activities’ (WIOSAP) with funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Partnership project between the Nairobi Convention and the South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Commission (NC-SWIOFC PP) for marine and coastal governance and fisheries management for sustainable blue growth with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

The Projects

The WIOSAP project is implementing interventions ‘to reduce impacts from land-based sources and activities and sustainably manage critical coastal and marine ecosystems through the implementation of the agreed WIO-SAP priorities with the support of partnerships at national and regional level. The NC-SWIOFC partnership project seeks (i) to enhance the resilience of livelihoods based on WIO marine and coastal ecosystem and habitats, (ii) to promote sustainable management of coastal fisheries using the ecosystem approach to fisheries, and (iii) to enhance coordination between fisheries and environmental management institutions.

The two projects respond to Nairobi Convention’s Contracting Parties Decision CP.9/1.3 on Work programme for 2018–2022 which requested the Secretariat to develop a regional integrated programme for the full implementation of the strategic action programmes developed under the WIO-LaB project and its extension beyond the lifespan of the Strategic Action Programme. The WIOSAP and NC-SWIOFC partnership projects are implemented and executed through a “Partnerships Approach” with the Nairobi Convention Secretariat being the Executing Agency. The beneficiary countries are Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, Mozambique, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia and South Africa.

Purpose of the consultancy

Assessing the vulnerability of communities to climate change is essential, particularly those that are highly dependent on coastal and marine resources in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO). Specifically, socio-ecological vulnerability assessments are efficient tools for informing climate change adaptation strategies for communities that depend on coastal and marine ecosystems. These assessments involve describing the intensity of threats and identifying potential impacts, relative to the capacity of the interacting human and ecological systems to cope with such threats. It can also help identify the communities that are most vulnerable to climate change and its impacts and help in crafting adaptation plans to help lift those communities that will be severely affected to a state of enhanced resilience. Given this need and urgency, the Nairobi Convention will undertake climate change vulnerability assessments (CCVA) for representative communities that depend on coastal and marine ecosystems in four countries i.e., Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique, and Madagascar to complement recent ecological piloting of the regional CCVA Toolkit in the same countries as part implementation of the Climate Change Strategy for the Convention.

The Nairobi Convention has recently commissioned the development of a Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments (CCVA) toolkit, which requires pilot testing for standardized application in the region. The terms of this consultancy are to pilot test the CCVA toolkit in the selected Western Indian Ocean (WIO) countries. More specifically, this consultancy will mainly involve gathering and analyzing of social and economic data relevant to the CCVA of local communities dependent on major coastal ecosystems i.e. mangroves, coral reefs and seagrass beds, and other marine resources, such as artisanal fisheries, and developing knowledge management products, identify specific adaptation technology needs, and national plans and with a focus on the needs of coastal communities, mapping of risks and possible responses to extreme climatic events, identify potential networks for the sharing of information on successful adaptation, and contribute to management and policy option on climate change necessary for decision making. It will provide for the definition and inclusion of coastal and marine adaptation options in climate change policies at national level depending on country context and contribute to the enhancement of critical habitats conservation and sustainable marine conservation networks explicitly supporting the social and economic sustainability of coastal communities.

The CCVAs will involve quantifying the exposure dimensions at the ecosystem level, and the sensitivity and the adaptive capacity of both the social and ecological systems. This component of CCVA focuses on the social adaptive capacity and sensitivity dimensions applied to selected local communities in Tanzania. Furthermore, communities will be chosen based on social and ecological characteristics that are common across the region. Examples of these social characteristics include poor communities with few opportunities besides resource extraction e.g., coastal communities of Mkinga, lagoons of Pemba channel conservation area, Rufiji Delta, Mnazi Bay-Ruvuma Estuary, etc. with few opportunities besides resource extraction, and relatively wealthy communities, e.g., peri-urban communities of Dar es Salaam and Tanga Cities with diverse options for subsistence. Each community would also have access to a diversity of ecosystems, with varying states of ecosystem health, which could provide them with different kinds of opportunities. This study will require participation and inputs from local partners and, where possible, representatives in the WIO, which could also inform capacity building of the said participants. It is expected that these assessments will yield critical information on the adaptive capacity of the selected communities, opportunities to enhance their resilience, and key management and policy implications to inform decision making within the context of climate change adaptation. The assessment will provide information necessary to raise and promote awareness around climate change adaptation through networks, partnerships, knowledge products and knowledge sharing events, and platforms in the WIO region. Technical support in field designs and eventual data analysis and interpretation will be availed to the Consultant by the Nairobi Convention.

3.0 Duties and Responsibilities
Under the general supervision of the Head, Secretariat of the Nairobi Convention, and direct supervision of the project manager, the consultant is expected to undertake the following roles:
a) Review the social aspects of the CCVA toolkit, particularly the sensitivity and adaptive capacity dimensions of vulnerability and the associated socioeconomic survey template and propose revisions to ensure that the tool captures different social and economic contexts in the country.
b) Develop the sampling design and a generic survey template, including the general operational framework and delivery for the socioeconomic surveys.
c) Prepare a data template (i.e., in a spreadsheet or any other accessible format) to organize the responses from the socioeconomic surveys.
d) In consultation with the project manager have a full view of CCVA for the target communities reviewed
e) Test the socioeconomic surveys, before revision and application to the target communities. This process may involve a combination of focus groups as well as individual surveys and travel to the communities specified. Application of each survey per target community (to be carried out in Mkinga District, and in Pemba Channel Conservation Area in Pemba) will be not less than 5 days per site. All research work in this consultancy must adhere to the ethical conduct of human research.
f) In consultation with the project manager, analyse the collected qualitative and quantitative data
g) In consultation with the project manager prepare and submit a report on the pilot test, including the relative social adaptive capacity and sensitivity scores among communities and detailed recommendations for managers/policy makers for adaptation options and/or mitigation. This will include a detailed description of the relative scores of Social Adaptive Capacity (SAC) and sensitivity indicators, and the climate adaptation options that can address the identified SAC and sensitivity gaps. Associated data, spreadsheets and summarized information should be in a format that can be integrated with scores from other dimensions to develop an overall integrated CCVA.
h) Generate and produce key information awareness products and relevant manuscript targeting peer reviewed journals. The products should be in a format that can be integrated with ecological and climate data to facilitate a more integrated CCVA.
i) Provide for assessments of risks and vulnerabilities (natural and human) and drivers affecting coastal fishery communities using the CCVA toolkit.
j) Review country specific adaptation technology needs, based on existing science and national plans and with a focus on the needs of youth, women, and men within artisanal fishing communities
k) Provide for the definition and inclusion of coastal and marine adaptation options in climate change policies at national level.

Qualifications/special skills

Academic qualification
A Master's degree in climate change, marine ecology, human geography, environmental sciences, or related disciplines is required.

A minimum of 7 years of professional experience in developing and/or implementing programmes on coastal ecosystems conservation, natural resources management (ecosystem management, climate change, community engagement)

Experience on methods for obtaining social and economic data and a good understanding of adaptation science from a socioecological perspective among coastal communities.
Experience in working with coastal communities and different stakeholder at both strategic and technical levels and demonstrated quality and timely delivery;

Working knowledge in Tanzania and experience of working with Government and intergovernmental programme of would be preferred. Experience in working in a multidisciplinary set up and a broad understanding of climate change and natural resource management matters in the WIO region;

High level and excellent scientific/technical writing skills and rigour in critical writing and review of documents;

Ability to work within very short timelines and with minimum supervision.

English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat. For this position fluency in oral and written English is required. Working knowledge of Swahili is an advantage.

No Fee


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