Mission description

The Expert (Team) deployed under the mission will manage the project, deliver all course
content and produce a Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) on litigation before the human
rights organs of the African Union (AU), namely, the African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR), the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of
the Child (ACERWC) and the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACtHPR) and
their jurisprudence.

Project or context description

For the AU human right bodies to have a positive impact on the lives of African citizens, it is
essential that the litigators appearing before these bodies have a thorough understanding
about their procedures, so that they can maximise the use of the said bodies and adequately
represent the needs of individuals, children, peoples and the general public.
It is for that reason that the ACHPR, ACERWC and ACtHPR intend to organise a Massive
Open Online Course (MOOC) on their procedures and their jurisprudence. The project aims
to offer tailored educational resources to (potential) litigators before the AU human rights
bodies, including legal counsel for the Applicants as well as counsel representing States, to
enhance their knowledge relating to the respective litigation procedures and to improve their
skills in overcoming commonly experienced practical issues in the domain of African
international litigation. It is envisaged that this will improve the quality of proceedings before
the human rights bodies.

Required profile

The consultant or institution is expected to have:

i. Demonstrated experience in litigation before the AU human rights bodies or other
international human rights bodies.
ii. Demonstrated expert knowledge of the African human rights system.
iii. Demonstrated experience in developing high quality course content for online and
distance learning, specifically MOOCs, including the production of online learning
tasks and assessment tools and supporting the production of video content and open
educational resources.
iv. Demonstrated expertise in project management and excellent communication skills.
v. Demonstrated knowledge of intellectual property considerations and experience in
negotiating the use of information and knowledge resources with holders of
intellectual property of relevant material.

Additional information

To apply, interested parties should submit the following:
1. Overview of proposed approach to the assignment, including:
● Proposed methodology and scope of activities to deliver each requirement of
the assignment.
● Indication of approach to providing the learning technology and media
● A proposed format and content overview of the final course.
● A proposed project timeline, including total time, number of days and
personnel commitment for the assignment
● A proposed budget.
2. Example(s) of previous work that demonstrate capability to complete the assignment,
including examples of layout and design models.
3. A prospectus outlining relevant information about the organisation submitting the
proposal that includes relevant experience and achievements together and the
detailed CVs of experts who would work on the assignment.<

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