

8 Things that you should avoid including on your CV

You might just be doing harm to your application chances by including any of the following points on your CV.

Here are 8 things you should exclude on your CV:-

1) Full Personal Address:

A general location is perfect, if you are not local to the position you must ALWAYS include info relating to your relocation "relocating to: LOCATION in DATE" or "Happy to relocate".

2) A Third Person:

Never talk about yourself in the third person, this isn't a magazine interview!

3) Unexplained Gaps:

Ensure your CV flows, and makes sense. If you spent 2 years on a sabbatical trekking in the Andes then say so.

4) Your Life Story:

Your CV is an introduction, not a dossier on your life history. Keep it succinct and no longer than 2 pages.

5) Your Salary Expectations:

Don't restrict your chances of an interview (phone / face-to-face), you are better positioned to negotiate a strong salary if you have already excelled in an interview.

6) An Avalanche of Bullet Points:

Take the time to write about each section in your CV, bullet points are great but use them sparingly.

7) Negative Words:

Leave out all negativity (unfortunately, difficult, frustrating, problems, discouraged) and focus on positive words (achiever, capable, enthusiastic, talented, powerful).

8) Family Details:

Avoid listing personal information such as marital status, dependents, religion etc.